Sunday, March 30, 2014

Tempe Town Lake Doll Meet 2014

Hrist not being a morning person at all, woke up bright and early so she wouldn't be late for this years meet at Tempe Town Lake. A year ago, it marked her big debut at the Lake, so she definitely didn't want to miss out on this meet. Hrist said her hello's then quickly got bored of the park bench... wondering how the other Dollfies were quiet content with the blazing sun that was shinning upon the park bench. Hrist, joining up with Nanoha for a bit, decided it was time to adventure! And, a time that she won't soon forgot...

All the Dollfies that showed up. 
 This was a really fun event, and a reminder that summer is near... Hrist forgot her sunblock, weapons , and other stuff sadly. But overall she had a really good time.

Hrist: And over here, we have one of the fine natural inhabitants of this lake.
Good friends, Nanoha and Hrist adventuring during the meet.

Relaxing under the harsh sun.

Screw safety! I'm cooling off!

A Battle! And Hrist was weaponless -_-

Friday, March 21, 2014

Adventures of Hrist and Lidia - Episode 1

Hrist: Lidia!
Lidia: Hrist? What are you doing here?
Hrist: Thought I'd pop by and visit you when I heard you were no longer in the abyss.

Lidia: Oh, I see.
Hrist: Have a lot of fun I imagine?
Lidia: More fun than you'd believe! Ash, and I just got through laying waste to a temple of Xeri'kinojula.

Hrist: Oh, how nice!
Lidia: Yeah, left that place a smouldering wreak. Demons were dropping like flies. Sadly that demon lord was no where to be found during that battle. Don't think we left a brick standing, or existing...
            The legion that was there took off in full retreat. Or at least the ones that were still able to run  anyway...
Hrist: Well, at least you had a lot of fun on your vacation! I'm just itching to put something out of it's misery.
Lidia: Oh? So what have you been up to for the past few months I was away?
           Tracking down any vampires or undead?
           And is that a new outfit?

Hrist: Yeah, what do you think of the new outfit Somonul made for me this time?
Lidia: Looks good! Definetly you! No more gown wearing battle-maiden.

Hrist: Hah-ha! Of course! It should make trekking through the wild wastelands a lot more efficient, at least until I get my armor crafted...
Lidia: Good luck with that one! I've been putting in requests for quiet a while now myself.

Hrist: Yeah, we just got to make due with what we have, till we get funds anyway.
           Somo and I were thinking about working a street corner to raise some funds for my armor. "Get your photo taken with a Dollfie" for a minimum donation of $50. Failure to donate might result in unwanted physical harm.
Lidia: Hah-hah! I love that idea! Did that crafting room ever get cleaned up?
Hrist: Hah! It's actually gotten worse... much worse...
Lidia: I don't even want to imagine...
Hrist: It's probably best not too... and sadly no decimating of Brahms' vampiric armies, or undead legions. *sigh*
Lidia: Ouch, well Hrist as long as you're here, let's have a little fun!
Hrist: What kind of fun?

Lidia: You'll see in just a moment! Stand back while I open up a dimensional rift!

Hrist: Ooh!

Lidia: There we go!
Hrist: Where is this one connect too?
Lidia: Just a small astral pocket. Should have some interesting foul denizens we can crush!
Hrist: I like the sound of that! I'm going through first!

To be continued...

Experimental photo-shoot with Hrist and Lidia furthering my tests with green screen. I really need to just convert this room into a studio for this kind of stuff :X Hope people actually enjoy this project, it was quiet an additively fun project to make. :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Obitsu Test Outfit

I was working on a side project for my friend Ruko, who has an Obitsu without any clothing...or name... (yeah, one of 'those' kind of owners) X_X Using a few images he took I was able to complete a make-shift test pattern to see how close and accurate this procedure would be.

Had to simplify the pattern so he could read it easily.

Surprisingly it turned out pretty dead on, minus for some alterations I need to make in the arm/torso area, everything else was as should be. Not sure if I'll have time to design up anything for him to test it out further as his taste is cloths differs greatly from mine. But perhaps something to fool around with.

Photo Ruko took for me.
Ruko's quick sewing in action and on his obitsu.

Ruko does sewing on rare occasions, and was able to make this quickly basted rough demo of the pattern I made for him so I could see how well it actually fit. As mentioned above, it fit pretty dead on...

Still working on finishing up Hrist's new outfit, it's so close, just need to find some time to finish those last details up X_X Hopefully soon!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hrist's Casual Outfit VI

Update on Hrist's new outfit! What a busy weekend, managed to actually get one side of chainmail complete. ran out of rings, craft store was out of stock for the wires I used prior -_- so a bit of delay... however, I also got the leather vest complete also!

Over the next week or so I plan to add some connectors for her armor and other odds and ends she can use with her outfit. Not exactly part of my original design for this but I figured why not? :)

I do have to redo the pants sadly :( A small minor adjustment to the pants pattern. It'll bug me every time I see her pants if I don't redo them X_X but for now... they're good, and they do their job ;D

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Chain Mail Update

Phew X_X finnaly a possitive update for this chain mail stuff. several attempts later I think I finally figured this thing out....
3.4 hours worth of work on these links, bottom shows my jumbled old mess...
Gonna need to buy more wire for the other side sadly almost out of rings but I'll have enough to complete one side for Hrist's new outfit.
I managed to finish her genuine leather made vest today too. the core of it anyway. I need to get some string for the button up stuff (I'm so bad with names X_X ) Hopefully have some photos of that to post in the next few days or so.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Hrist's First Year!

Hard for me to believe it's already been a year since I got Hrist. Or at least her head arrived one year ago. A moment that would set into motion a series of events that would forever change my life in just a year!

Hrist Valkyrie an Aesir of Asgard. This little battle-maiden entered my life during a giant late winter storm. Rain and wind mixed with thunder were quiet an introduction for her arrival to her new home.
Hrist's, not afraid to get her feet dirty, can get quiet into the thick of things when it comes to taking photos. She's definitely not your ordinary Dollfie, that's for sure. How many other dollfies out there do you know of that enjoys riding a real motorcycle and doing random road trips? Being rained on, and having heavy winds wreak even the best of hairstyles! She takes great joy in stormy weather, bringing out a scarcely seen side of her.
Hrist has a tendency to ignore other dollfies, considering the mortals of Midgard to be frivolous and fool-halfhearted. Hrist has actually made friends with a few of the locals, in particular Agatha. Though one can only think perhaps Hrist is eying her as einherjar potential.
Hrist shares a room with Lidia, whom like herself revels in war and battle. Hrist has a great admiration for Lidia and her powers that can almost rival Odin himself. In short, the two get along almost too well.

So here we go with a year of Hrist!

Hrist loves to ride!

Hrist's initial arrival! A DDH-02 head arrived via UPS during a massive storm! What an arrival it was. I figured, I'd just start out with a head... and think about the body later... few hours later I found myself placing an order for Yukino which would become the core body for Hrist. Seems like it was just yesterday!

The outfit that made me get a sewing machine!

Spring - 2013
Hrist's first outfit I made for her, and my first real sewing project.
Thought it would be a simple project but quickly realized how
challenging sewing can be, and how amazingly addictive it can be...

Hrist's renaissance themed gown that I made, a very big sewing endeavor for me. Hrist really did enjoy this outfit a lot, spelunking quite a bit during spring and early summer with it. I really enjoyed making this outfit, minus some flaws, and was my first attempt with sleeve work! Which I still hate sewing in sleeve to this day... 

Summer - 2013
Hrist third outfit I designed and made, inspired from SO3 Lenneth's outfit. This thing turned out like shit, and I mean seriously, it was so bad that it only made this one appearance in photo-shoots. My sewing skills were just not up to par for this project. I might go back and redo it someday... I'm not even sure if I tossed it or chucked it somewhere randomly. Project 3 was a fail for me.

Fall - 2013
My Steampunk/Victorian/Gothic themed outfit for Hrist. Currently my favorite gown. Designed this for the Halloween dollfie meet, and has become Hrist's current staple outfit. Lots of new methods to sewing was learned here for me, especially in the pattern design process, it was the first chance I got to really test out a new pattern making method I've been working to evolve over time.

Right before the giant downpour.

What new adventures awaits Hrist in the coming year? What other milestones will she obtain?
Here's to hopefully another successful year of fun, and crafting goodness!

 Hrist and I thank everyone who's been supportive over this year, with ideas, and feedback!!! Sometimes it's hard to imagine there's even any interest out there for the crazy stuff I do with these projects and what not.