Friday, September 19, 2014

Armor Update VIII

Torso armor's pretty much finished! :D I took some photos of Hrist in her armor to use for that VolksUSA contest. Photo I submitted can be found on VolksUSA's Facebook page. Dirrect link to the image. "Hrist's Armor submission photo
Hoping to maybe win one of the heads for a possible Lenneth dollfie someday >_>; It's always nice to dream about future projects though. :)

Depending on my crappy budget, I am hoping to order her last gauntlet some time this month, if not. definitely next month. I plan to order a test demo band for her helmet, I think that'll be my next part I work on.  Which will have to push my modeling skills even further, it being Hrist's cornerstone piece, so to speak. My biggest worry right now is dollfie heads are big by nature, big head = bigger helmet X_X So hopefully it won't look to ridiculous.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Armor Update VII?

The last of Hrist's Body armor arrived today. Little bit of work today, can't be as crazy as the other parts were...

Parts in photo look glossy, as they are glossy! :P Actually it's the pre-treatment I use before priming that's still drying giving it that glossy look. And yup! That's definitely another gauntlet in that photo I ordered. Going to use it as one more test one, I may wind up ordering another gauntlet if it turns out good so Hrist will have a pair...
Stuff in the little bag, is all her little gold plates for her dress, or soon to be good :)

All that's left for my Project Hrist, is one more gauntlet, (wtf I've got 7 already!) boot design, and her helmet! :D

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Armor Preview

Been a while since I've updated X_X busy working on this armor though in my spare time. Not even sure people read my posts anyway :P Paintings all done. Sewing's pretty much done on it, minus a few more straps to make, and lots of hand sewing in store for the jump rings... that'll be fun...
Definitely excited how it's been taking shape lately.

 Need to finish assembling her sword stuff as well. semi-incomplete holder there. I wound up repainting the entire thing for consistency reasons.