Friday, February 27, 2015

Arizona Matsuri 2015

Another year, another Matsuri!

Little bit delayed in making my post for this event on my blog here. :S Sure was a fun time though! Lots of exciting stuff this year. I didn't remember the Koi fish pool last year. But was a welcome sight for me to see.

Lidia also showed up for her first dollmeet attendance. Seemed a little mundane for her, but Hrist was around.

My favorite Taiko drum group was back putting on another amazing performance this year! Tons of fun to watch them perform.

Arrived early enough this year to watch some of the kendo demonstrations. Lidia wasn't to amused watching people bop other people with wooden sticks on the head, but it was rather fun to watch for me. :)

Hrist spent the bulk majority of the time riding around in the 'pack'
Definitely a lot of fun this year, already can't wait for next year!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Somonul's Yukata Pattern

Decided on posting a copy of the modified yukata patterns I made for Dollfie sized dolls.

A real simple and fun project. I didn't include the collar pattern, be sure to read the instructions on the blueprints. I altered the collar on the one I made for Lidia, greatly from Hrist's collar. It's basically a long rectangular strip though, sized to the length you need. Usually at the end of that angled out part on the Front piece.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Hrist's Action Figure

Hrist: Wha???! Where did... you find this at Somo?
Somonul: Oh, I've had that for quite a number of years now Hrist.
Hrist: ...
Somonul: Never know what you'll find in the closet right?

Hrist: Yeah, wow. A little Lenneth!
Somonul: It's yours now if you want.
Hrist: Ha-ha, great! Just what I always wanted! A figure of my sister...

.... wait a sec...

Hrist: Why wasn't there ever an action figure of me ever made?!
           What are these double standards?!
Somonul: *Uh-oh...*

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Trench coat Finished

Busy month so far, between work, and trying to cram in as many hours as possible in the late hours of the night on this trench coat plus some shirts = busy stuff, haha. But it all managed to get done. This project anyway!

 All hand embroidered details on the coat.  Was excessively time consuming. The overall coat itself however, was rather simple to make, minus the hip curved seam design.

I wound up remaking Lidia's undershirt as well. This time it's fully lined with a white liner, and has been washed multiple times. Pretty pleased with the results on it. I 'may' open a new thread on the dollfie forums for sales of the shirt design. Not sure if Hrist is ready to open her own boutique yet, though I suppose it would be both Lidia and Hrist's...   "H&L Boutique" Could be fun, and I do need funding for future 3D projects. xD

Lidia's now ready for some outdoor action once again! Now, I just need a day off!
Coats back details a bit more complex then the front.
A very happy Lidia.

Always nice to wrap stuff up.
Next week's Arizona Matsuri! Can't wait. Hrist is all ready to have a fun time!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Trench Coat Embroidery

Lots of work on this outfit. Slowly starting to take shape, each panel takes roughly 2-4 hours to hand embroider. So far though, everything's going without a hitch. *knock on wood* Lots more left to go though!